
Y'all just think it, but I write it out loud

The “N” Word





The “N” word.

I say it all the time.

I don’t see the big deal.

Maybe that’s the problem.

I mean, it’s a word that is really hardly ever heard anymore, but the meaning is definitely clear and widely known. 


When was it decided that we should not use the “N” word because it offends people?

That is ridiculous!

When I was a kid, I heard very frequently, practically all day long, every day.


My parents would shout it, neighbors could be heard saying it, even yelling it, my grandparents, even my teachers had no qualms about saying the “N” word, time after time after time.

But, I didn’t claim it was ruining my childhood, that it was wrong to subject me to this.

More often than not, I simply accepted it as the way it was and that was that. 

But now, it seems that no one wants to say it.


You rarely hear the “N” word anymore!

Especially concerning kids.

And you wonder why this generation is so disrespectful and rude. 

What might change if we did begin, once again, to make the “N” word a part of our daily vocabulary as parents and community members?

It just might bring about some necessary changes!

Just try it….

Try calmly saying the “N’ word to your kids.

Or, better yet, use a loud voice!

Shout that “N” word at them!

It feels good, actually.

The look on their shocked faces, the jaw-dropping, truly horrified looks you will get are absolutely priceless!

It is amazing how one little word can stop a person in their tracks.

How they can be floored that you actually have the guts to look them in the eye and use that “N”

word with conviction.

To truly mean it. 

It would undoubtedly change a lot of the demanding, disrespectful nature of today’s youth if adults would just revert back to this one tried and true solution.

I know that to some of you, it may seem out dated and even a bit crass, but I do believe it is the beginning of a much needed solution to change the way these kids act.  

It will hopefully at least put a chink in their flimsy armor built of self- importance and entitlement.

Maybe even cause them to reevaluate their circumstances and begin to appreciate what they’ve been given, and to begin teach them to actually work hard to get ahead instead of us giving everything to them. 

I’m telling you, just try it. Don’t be so afraid. 

Look at your kid and let it fly.

I promise you that after the first time, it gets easier.

Just don’t back down.

This is long over due. It may be shocking at first, but it it for their own good.

Kids need a good dose of reality, instead of adults sugar coating everything and always giving giving and giving.

Make it your goal, why not start today? 


Just try it and see how it changes things.

It’s about time to get today’s kids back on track and respectable behavior doesn’t come from giving them everything they whine and cry for.

Stand tall.

Use the dreaded “N” word. 

Yes, indeed, do it.

Just try!!

Just say “NO”. 



(I must state that by using the word “chink” in my dialog up there, it is to not be taken out of context, nor it is in any way to be misconstrued as offensive or as any kind of derogatory slur)




January 4, 2013 Posted by | funny | , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments


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